Stag Lane & Roe Green Local Safety Scheme

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Added by Sylvia Gauthereau

"Over the last 3 years there have been 26 traffic accidents recorded in Stag Lane resulting in 31 casualties. These casualties included 10 vehicle passengers, 9 vehicle drivers, 6 motorcycle riders, 4 cyclists and 2 pedestrians. 

A 20 mph speed limit on Stag Lane and Roe Green between Mollison Way and Kingsbury Road designed to be self-enforcing through the introduction of traffic calming measures

 Speed cushions on Stag Lane and Roe Green which are narrow enough to allow a wide wheel based vehicle such as fire engine or an ambulance to pass relatively unhindered. A smaller wheel base vehicle such as a car however would need to have at least one set of wheels on some part of the cushion. Speed cushions have proved very effective in helping to reduce vehicle speeds.

 New pedestrian refuge islands on Stag Lane, by Carlisle Road and Goldsmith Lane to provide additional safe crossing points for pedestrians.

 Footway widening (kerb build outs) at the junction of Carlisle Road and Tewkesbury Gardens to slow traffic and reduce crossing widths for pedestrians.

 2 variable message speed signs to advise drivers to slow their speed.

 The installation of short sections of double yellow line “At Any Time” waiting restrictions at the Harrod Court vehicle access to the clinic. "


January 18th, 2019 23:45


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